Beach Clean 8th May 2022

A small but select group of wonderful warriors collected 4 bags of rubbish, several disposable barbecues, over 1800 cigarette butts (thanks in a large part to some wonderful visitors to our town who joined in so enthusiastically). Some of us braved the road side and pulled loads of plastic out of the road drains again Read more about Beach Clean 8th May 2022[…]

2022 – 9th January – Community Cleanup

We have kicked off the Plastic Warriors’ year, and started our plan of SECOND SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH, with a fantastic community clean up hosted by the lovely Debi at The Balfour Arms. Warriors today were Lesley, Simon, Roger, Jan, Penny, Des, Mick, Angie, Kate T, Colin, Phil, Kate R, Niall, Anna, Cherry and her Read more about 2022 – 9th January – Community Cleanup[…]

Climate Change assemblies – Sidmouth College May 2019

I have this morning done my first climate change assembly for half of Sidmouth College – the other half is tomorrow – and I have put my powerpoint slides up at Climate Change presentation The students were really quiet – not sure if that’s because they were listening intently, were shell shocked at how fast I Read more about Climate Change assemblies – Sidmouth College May 2019[…]

Community Clean Up, (SAS Summit To Sea) April 6th 2019

48 wonderful people came along to throw everything at Woolbrook today. We met at the Youth Centre, and a big thank you to Ben for hosting and getting fully involved too. For 2 hours from 10 o’clock we litter picked, chopped back weeds, pulled up ivy, walked several miles and put a huge amount of Read more about Community Clean Up, (SAS Summit To Sea) April 6th 2019[…]