A small but select group of wonderful warriors collected 4 bags of rubbish, several disposable barbecues, over 1800 cigarette butts (thanks in a large part to some wonderful visitors to our town who joined in so enthusiastically).
Some of us braved the road side and pulled loads of plastic out of the road drains again – despite being told they get regularly cleaned by Devon County Council they obviously don’t. It seems that spending millions on flood defences and protecting our town is all well and good but cleaning out the very clear problem of blocked drains would seem to be important, let alone the fact that plastic down the drains will degrade and go into the sea at some point!
We were rewarded for the smelliness of drain cleaning by a nice find of a slightly dirty five pound note which goes into our petty cash fund – always nice.
Interesting finds of the day – condom wrappers (someone’s having fun!), black lacy underwear (same people involved?), socks.
Not so interesting – fag butts, broken glass, buried barbecues, dog poo bags, human poo…always a delight.
Thanks all – next one at Seafest, Saturday 21st May, 11.00 & 1.30